Monday, July 27, 2009

Really trying....

Why is it that every time I have tried to do some school work (other than the huge scanning pile - which i did get complete but have not organized into electronic files yet) something stops me? For instance I actually tried to work on my blackboard account but could not remember my log in password. Then I tried to look at the CD rom that goes with the Health oriented Chemistry textbook. Can't get my school laptop (read the only one I have that has a CD drive in it) to connect to my home internet. My last effort came today when I was trying to make a powerpoint showing that I know all the "hiding my cell phone behind obvious things" trick but I could not access the pictures I needed. Is God trying to tell me not to worry about school or is it the technology gnomes that are foiling my heroic attempts of getting ahead?


Carolina Mama said...

We love summer, too. Responding to your question about WW. I just love Weight Watchers. I joined and have them debit my account monthly and it is a little less that way. It is so worth it to me, I have learned their 'point' system. Love it. I'll be happy to help you in any way. Just keep me posted. I love that it teaches a lifestyle. My whole family eats the same way - healthily. Good Luck.

Carolina Mama said...

That's me.... :) Carolina Mama

We love summer, too. Responding to your question about WW. I just love Weight Watchers. I joined and have them debit my account monthly and it is a little less that way. It is so worth it to me, I have learned their 'point' system. Love it. I'll be happy to help you in any way. Just keep me posted. I love that it teaches a lifestyle. My whole family eats the same way - healthily. Good Luck.

E said...

Hahah, I would take that as a sign and procrastinate as long as possible...Just kidding...Kind of?

Anyway, thanks for stopping by oops, I craft my pants! I loved reading your comment.
Today, I've decided that I WILL be making my calendars to sell. So, if you are interested feel free to read more about it on my new post at